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Single Strategy Solutions

Access to attractive investment opportunities.

We have established Special Purpose Vehicles to provide attractive investment opportunities for our clients.

These Special Purpose Vehicles each provide access to carefully selected managers with strong investment skills and to investment opportunities otherwise seldom accessible or that often come with substantially higher investment expenses.

Our single strategy solutions are offered to those investors who wish to outsource a specific part of their investment strategy.

Our Single Strategy Solutions are carefully selected strategies with the aim of creating above benchmark returns over a business cycle. They cover the following areas:

  • Global Equities
  • Private Equity
  • Fixed Income
  • Private Credit
  • European Loans

Some of the strategies are only accessible to institutional investors or at a significantly higher expense than we have negotiated for our clients.

We have developed internally managed strategies which aim to benefit from the sustainability super trend: Sustainable World for global equities and Green Bonds (Grønne Obligationer) for Nordic fixed income.

We also manage a Hedge Fund (AAA Arbitrage) strategy only available to professional clients.

We cooperate with highly specialized investment management firms such as Newbury Capital Partners and Park Square Capital  to provide some of the best solutions and thereby enable investors to cost effectively benefit from investment solutions which would otherwise not be available to them.

Sustainable World is a global equity strategy with the purpose of creating high returns for our investors driven by the sustainable transformation. The strategy invests in companies that will benefit from the sustainability super-trend, creating superior returns in the long run.

Private Equity invests globally through Newbury Partners in various private equity funds. Newbury is highly specialized in acquiring interests in other private equity funds via secondary transactions and have created high and stable returns for investors for the last 15 years.

Green Bonds invests in Nordic bonds with strong credit ratings and high liquidity. The focus of Green Bonds is on sustainability and the strategy only invests in bonds that comply with the internationally agreed standard: The Green Bond Principles.

Private Credit invests via Park Square Capital in primarily subordinated credit within Europe. Park Square Capital is a leading European private debt provider and has generated strong results in all of their funds for more than 15 years.

AAA Arbitrage is an actively managed strategy levering AAA-rated credit spreads between ultra-liquid Nordic covered bonds and government bonds/swaps.

European Loans is actively managed and will seek to identify and capture relative value opportunities within the European loan and bondmarkets. The strategy has an active, risk-managed approach using fundamental credit analysis with strong trading execution capabilities..