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Our Clients

One size does not fit all

Every investor has their own specific goals, values, investment horizons and liquidity requirements, which is why we tailor our investment programs around individual needs. We believe that standard, inflexible portfolio models are a thing of the past.

We offer our services to professional investors/clients only, such as pension funds, foundations, corporations, family offices and high net worth individuals.

We aim to make working with us easy, given our open, honest, and direct dialogue with our clients’ in-house staff and advisors.

How do we go about working with our clients? First, we gain an in-depth insight into their objectives, strategy, and appetite for risk. Once we have this knowledge as a foundation, we build up a tailored solution with clearly defined objectives.

Together with each client we determine their risk profile, time horizon and investment targets which develop into an individual investment strategy and asset allocation.

We provide solutions by carefully selecting the building blocks which will provide exposure to the most important asset classes. We not only report on each single asset class but can also provide consolidated reports covering each client’s total exposure and costs. We accommodate any reporting frequency our clients require and can also provide direct data feeds into client specific IT systems.