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Søren Bang Andersen

During times of financial crises, you realize that focusing on and understanding risk are amongst the most important tools to have. Søren has specialized in this area throughout his entire career, and is a master in solving all questions and calculations to best insure a safe and balanced investment approach.

Prior to joining Petersen & Partners Investment Management Søren was Head of Risk and Operations at Unipension Investment Management, and he has previously been heading the risk management department at Alm. Brand Group.

At his prior position, Søren established a culture with a strong risk management and reporting focus. This has proven to be a key strength several times in the turbulent markets experienced since 2008.

Søren also has a broad understanding of financial regulation and impacts on markets and investment behavior and uses this knowledge in the process of optimising client portfolios.

Søren holds a Master of Science in Business Administration and Management Science (MSc) from Copenhagen Business School.

Søren has worked with Petersen & Partners since 2017.

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