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Our unique advantages

Petersen and Partners Investment Management is unique

Our pension fund background gives us a unique basis for delivering professional investment management of institutional quality at prices usually only available to larger pension funds.


  • are an independent investment manager solely focused on creating value for our clients.
  • have no obligations to recommend certain financial products, unlike many institutions.
  • are transparent, cost efficient and achieve scale advantages through our modularized portfolio construction to the sole benefit of our clients.
  • are able to negotiate fair prices for our clients due to of our deep knowledge of the financial sector and many years of experience negotiating with financial counterparties.
  • have experience operating in complex and highly regulated financial markets with tight risk controls.
  • have a well-documented track record of delivering strong results over a long period of time.
  • believe in long term relationships. Our relations with external managers are often based on long term cooperation and we know that a client’s trust is also something that can only be gained over time.