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John Arian Larsen

John is a dedicated, highly experienced trading specialist in Danish callable mortgage bonds/instruments. His unique combination of trading and portfolio management capabilities enables him to create superior returns using his analytical, yet calm approach to financial markets and products.

Prior to joining Petersen & Partners Investment Management John held a position as Senior Dealer at Danske Bank.

During his tenure at Danske Bank, John gained extensive firsthand experience across a wide range of value chain drivers in the security market space.  John was also responsible for integrating new financial products into the bank’s risk management systems. He developed and managed various IT systems including those used to calculate repo-transaction market values, systems managing input as well as market data feeds to various other systems.

As Senior Dealer on the DKK Callable Mortgage trading desk, John developed an extensive knowledge of the DKK fixed income space and became an expert in identifying and investing in relative value opportunities within mortgage bonds. Besides quoting prices in Danish callable mortgage bonds and managing his own trading book, John was also responsible for providing risk capacity for external clients across different market environments.

John holds a Master of Science (MSc) in Finance & Strategic Management from Copenhagen Business School and is a certified securities trader.

John began working at Petersen & Partners in 2020.

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